Università di Pavia
Reading and Communicating Cultural Heritage
a cura di Laura Carlevaris, Graziano Mario Valenti
tutti i libri di Graziano Mario Valenti Laura Carlevaris
Laura Carlevaris Architect, Ph.D. in Survey and Representation of Architecture and the Environment, is Associate Professor in Sapienza University of Rome. She is a member of the SDRA Dept. (Dept. of History, Representation and Conservation of Architecture) and a member of the Teaching Board of the Representation, History and Conservation Doctorate course of Sapienza. Her studies and researchs mainly concern Descriptive Geometry, its methods, its foundamentals, history and teaching strategies, as well as representation and drawing of Architecture and the landscape and their techniques. She’s currently teaching Architectural and Urban Survey in the Master degree in Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome and Drawing and Representation in the Landscape and Enviromental Planning and Design Bachelor’s Degree of Tuscia University, in the DIBAF Department (Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest Systems). Graziano M. Valenti Associate Professor in the Dept. of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, awarded the National Scientific Qualification as a Full Professor. His research activity focuses on the application of digital technologies to support design, construction, knowledge and communication of industrial and architectural products, with regard to Cultural Heritage, with the objective of anticipating future operational scenarios and solving current application problems. An expert in computer science, he’s designed and implemented procedures and applications for sharing, integrating and representing data distributed over a geographic network. A specific topic in his research is the definition and representation of integrated and dynamic digital models that take on the role of both a container and a processing unit for heterogeneous information. From 2000 to the present, he’s promoted and participated in numerous university research projects funded by Sapienza and MUR.
Collana: Prospettive multiple: studi di ingegneria, architettura e arte
Area Tematica: Ingegneria civile e architettura
ISBN: 978-88-6952-174-4
Anno: 2023
Pagine: 300
Formato: 21 x 21
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- Opera valutata e approvata dal Comitato scientifico-editoriale -
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Digital & Documentation is a Study day, a moment of scientific-cultural exchange and updating that has reached its third online edition with the online meeting organized in Rome. The main purpose of the initiative is to ensure an update of scientific innovations in the field of digital documentation of Cultural Heritage, aimed at its reading, preservation and enhancement. The documentation of Cultural Heritage has assumed, today more than ever, a fundamental role in the collective global cultural horizon: more and more frequently we are witnessing the occurrence of natural and sometimes even man-made events, which undermine the preservation of cultural assets. Therefore, it is essential to update the documentation of Cultural Heritage, intended in its broadest meaning, which brings together tangible and intangible assets belonging to man-made and natural space. The D&D meeting becomes the scene of debates, comparison and demonstration of innovations, refinements, testing, methodologies, experimentations relating to acquisition process, critical and semantic analysis, dissemination and divulgation of Cultural Heritage.
a cura di Francesca Picchio
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