Università di Pavia
di Chabaco Armijos
tutti i libri di Chabaco Armijos
Chabaco Armijos is Magister in Science and technology for sustainable use of biological resources not traditional at University of Pavia, Italy, in 2006.Received PhD in Experimental Ecology and Geobotany at University of Pavia Italy in 2013, with the support of SENESCYT (Ecuador) fellowship. Spent a Post-Doc research period at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Pavia, Italy 2015, with the support of a CICOPS (Italia) fellowship. He is now resercher and teacher at the Universidad Technica Particular de Loja in Loja (Ecuador). He is author of a number of scientific papers published in international journals.
Collana: Acta Ethnica
Area Tematica: Scienze chimiche
ISBN: 978-88-6952-039-6
Anno: 2016
Pagine: 114
Formato: 16,5 x 24 cm
Prezzo: 21,00 €
- Opera valutata e approvata dal Comitato scientifico-editoriale -
This Volume 3 in the Acta Ethnica series of the “Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi e Ricerche sull’Etnobiofarmacia” (CISTRE) is dedicated to the Saraguro indigenous people that live confined in a few villages on the Southern Andean region of Ecuador. Though at first menaced by the process of colonization and nowadays by the Western acculturation, the Saraguros, that are among the oldest indigenous communities of South America, are striving to maintain their traditions, costumes, knowledge, religious and medicinal practices. With the publication of this book, which has been made possible thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the University of Pavia and the Universidad Técnica Particular of Loja (UTPL), a rich documentation is illustrated about the traditional uses of native plants by Saraguros. In fact, surrounded by a rich biodiversity, the Saraguros use plants for different purposes, such as magical-religious ceremonies, cures for “supernatural” and organic ailments, divination practices, and practical needs of daily life, such as the dyeing of personal clothes and textiles.
di Elsa Nervo
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