Diversity and Inclusion Strategies

Normative Profiles, Corporate Governance and Value Perspectives

di Adalberto Rangone, Camilla Costa

tutti i libri di Adalberto Rangone Camilla Costa

Collana: Monografie scientifiche

ISBN: 978-88-6952-169-0

Anno: 2023

Pagine: 285

Formato: 17 x 24

Opera non in vendita

- Opera valutata e approvata dal Comitato scientifico-editoriale -

Collana: Monografie scientifiche

ISBN: 978-88-6952-169-0

Anno: 2023

Pagine: 285

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- Opera valutata e approvata dal Comitato scientifico-editoriale -

Diversity & Inclusion is the subject of this work. It is an increasingly discussed and relevant topic in both the academic and professional fields. Starting from an analysis of the concept of diversity in a broad sense through some of its historical and current manifestations, the work focuses on a specific D&I aspect connected to gender gap for not diluting too much the analysis. It represents, therefore, a starting point for subsequent publications on the remaining areas. The work aims to investigate the traits and characteristics of D&I within the firms by using an interdisciplinary approach. The authors followed this methodology to enhance the multiple variables and dynamics that determine the system in which D&I is manifested. Today, infact, firms play a decisive and irreplaceable role in social and economic development. Therefore, they are required to pay ever greater attention to issues of such major importance as D&I.
Differently from the reference literature, a real model is therefore proposed in this work for understanding the added value brought to the company by diversity. This model is able to support the company development strategy and its sustainable management. And again, it is a model which - although attention has been mainly focused on gender equality - remains useful and valid for all diversity categories that are included within the firms.